Energy & Buildings

The City is focused on designing and retrofitting our buildings to require less energy, be easily compatible with clean energy technologies, and be prepared for a changing climate.

Electrification & Efficiency

Energy Efficient & High Performance Buildings

While switching to renewable energy ensures we are powering our buildings with clean sources, more efficient energy use reduces the amount of energy we need in the first place. The City aims to reduce energy consumption across all buildings by 10% by 2030.

Improved energy efficiency can be achieved through:

  • Better insulation of the entire building envelope
  • High-efficiency lighting
  • Higher-efficiency heating and cooling systems, like heat pumps

Renewable Energy

Optimizing Local Solar Production

Charlottesville can further its transition to carbon-free electricity and significantly reduce its GHG emissions reductions by installing renewable energy systems onsite. These systems offer community benefits including carbon reduction, improved air quality, reduced reliance on the electricity grid, and lower utility bills. The City is aiming to install 10% of Charlottesville's rooftop solar potential by 2030. As of 2021, it is estimated that less than 3% of Charlottesville's rooftop solar capacity has been installed.

To get a sense of how much solar power potential exists on rooftops in Charlottesville, explore the City's interactive map. Click on a property to see more details about annual power potential and electric bill savings.

What You Can Do

Drive the Transition to Renewable Energy & Efficient Buildings

Solarize Your Home or Business
Schedule an Energy Audit with Our Trusted Partner
Save Money and Energy in Your Home
Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Home