Did you hear?? Our pilot e-bike voucher grant program is OPEN! Register here by January 31 for a chance at $1,000 towards an e-bike.
Must be a resident of Charlottesville City and be at least 18 years of age.
Acting on Climate Together
Charlottesville is committed to reducing our climate pollution while building a safer, healthier, and more sustainable community.
Charlottesville was the first locality in Virginia to adopt emission reduction goals of 45% by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050.
The majority (63%) of Charlottesville's GHG emissions come from energy used to light, heat, cool, and power our buildings.
More than half of Charlottesville's commuters, 55%, travel to work by driving alone, as opposed to biking, walking, or using public transportation.
About half of the region’s most damaging extreme weather events (events that caused more than $10,000 in damage) have occurred in only the last 10 years.
Approximately 30% of Charlottesville’s total waste is from organics like food and yard scraps and compostable fibers like paper goods.
The urban tree canopy in Charlottesville is decreasing: canopy coverage dipped from 45% in 2014 to 38% in 2023.